Theme for March: Rest. Rejuvenate. Recharge
Mom’s Musing:
Unsettled. Undecided. Unknown. For my personality, un places are really hard. I like living in the Non-Un spots-preferring the expected predictable locations.My family is in a waiting place for many big things: school decisions, employment, potential moves, a book contract… it feels like running in place. Lots of energy is expended-going nowhere.
Resting, rejuvenating, and recharging are all needed when hovering over life’s ever changing direction. As moms and dads we have all noticed change can bring good things but the moments leading up to the change is where the struggle is most intense. Exhaustion sets in, the world feels heavy.
How do we come to Jesus to get the rest he promises when we are weary? We pray, we read,we seek his face. We camp on His promise of rest. And…we trust.
I love to go running and hiking. These activities refresh my soul, my outlook, my attitude. My best companion for those times is Murphy, my labradoodle. He keeps me company while I talk to God. Murphy’s zest for going on a w-a-l-k gives me joy. It reminds me of the simple normal pleasures in the mix of complicated,looming change.
Maybe this is why Peter and the guys went fishing after the crucifixion. They didn’t know what to do- frightened by the immediate past, feeling a sense of loss in the present, not knowing what the future held they returned to what they knew. Peace in the familiar. Catching (or not catching) fish was like eating comfort food or putting on an old pair of sweats to the former fisherman. Then Jesus showed up and even made lunch. (See John 21) After this, Peter got his next assignment.
Parenting Tip: When you or your child feel as if change is occurring but there is no immediate direction- find joy in doing a “comfort” activity to receive God’s rest. Pray. Teach your child to pray. Lay it all out before Him who holds time in his hand- having the expectation and hope, clarity is coming.