We are beginning our series on worship. Today we will cover the question of Why.
Why do we worship? Why do we go to church?
Two good questions kids ask. Sometimes as adults, we wonder the same thing. What’s the point? What’s the purpose of worship?
The answers to the questions are two-fold:
Because God is who God is. As the un-created Creator, God is worthy of our praise and worship. Because we are who we are.
We are his creation. We wired to worship. God created each person to have an innate desire to worship.
God doesn’t need our adulation but he is worthy, deserving of it. And we are designed to give it.
Worship is a time when we show deep sincere respect, and love to the one who created us. We demonstrate awe and even a fear of God by glorifying, honoring, praising, and exalting the Lord. We reflect on the King of Kings majesty and his mercy.When we worship, we remember who God is and who we are. Worship brings us back to our proper place.
While singing, praying, meditating on scripture, studying God’s word, loving others, and enjoying nature we can have a worshipful attitude. This pleases God and draws us closer to Him. In being drawn closer we begin to love the things God loves and hate the things he hates. Worship transforms the worshiper to be more like Jesus.
God’s back on the throne and we are at his feet.
Wouldn’t it be great to be more forgiving, tender, just, righteous, pure, kind, and loving? By setting our minds on the things that please God, our minds are transformed rather than conformed to the things that please man.
Here are few verses to look up with your kids if they are interested in why we worship:
Who God is: Psalm 18:3 , Psalm 33:1, Psalm 96:7-9, Psalm 145:3, Philippians 2:9-11
Who we are: Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 10:31, 1 Peter 2:9, Revelation 7:9-12
With faith, hope, and love,
Lori! John and I were just talking about this yesterday! On the one hand "worship" is a slam dunk for all the reasons you wrote, but in this day of committed small groups, online sermons, and iTunes worship music, some people push back on the traditional way that we think of the spiritual discipline of attending church worship on Sundays. I want to pray for discernment, speak truth, and avoid legalism in each situation that comes to my attention. It's hard!
It is hard. I agree. But we need our TEAM! Worship can be done alone of course- in attitude. But God calls us into community- the church- his bride. There is a powerful spiritual experience that occurs when the "worshiper" is in a church community worshiping with other "worshipers". Love to you!