When do we worship? Sundays? Only if the choir sings hymns? Only when praise songs are sung?
Worship is more of an attitude and frame of mind then it is participating in some form of music. Worshiping is acknowledging the awesomeness of a great and an eternal God who is all sufficient, all powerful … yet loves each individual personally. Mind boggling really.
Worship can be done by speaking or singing praises. It can happen in the laughing and in the crying. In the storms and in the victories. Dancing with joy or kneeling in heartfelt prayer. We can worship when we are struggling and when we are succeeding.
Our circumstances don’t dictate worship.
Worship is keeping our vision on God and praising Him when things go well and when they don’t.
Here are two songs that speak to this. Click on each to access YouTube.
Be Thou My Vision by Selah and Better than a Hallelujah by Amy Grant. One a hymn and one a contemporary song.
God is with you and with me. As we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. Our worship, in the heartbreak and in the happiness, is pleasing to God.
With faith, hope, and love,
LOVE this post Lori! Circumstances cannot dictate my worship.To the Lord, it's a hallelujah regardless.
xo Becky
Yes! In those times our praises are the sweetest, raw and honest.