The new fallen snow blankets the foothills today. It’s almost a shame to tread through it. I hate to disturb the glistening white perfection. My labradoodle and good pal, Murphy, loves the fresh snow. He delights (Yes he grins big time!) in bombing through the sea of white, making a new path. His path.
New snow, fresh tracks.
New snow reminds me of a fresh start, a new start.
But making that new way doesn’t come easy. I pick my way through the snow, careful to have sure footing before taking the next step. There are hidden rocks to stumble over, unseen prickly pears to step on, and covered weeds to tangle.
All…just waiting to be rediscovered.
We can have fresh start any time, any day but our old ways lay just beneath the surface.
Patiently waiting.
Patiently waiting.
God calls us to be holy, as he is holy (1 Peter 1:15). White, pure, set apart.
His call is a call to action. To be, to act, to demonstrate holiness.
To do this we need to be alert and fully sober (1 Peter 13: 14). It is too hard to maintain good decision making when we are distracted with schedules or intoxicated with worldly temptations. It’s easy to fall back into old patterns and familiar temptations.
How can we avoid stumbling when the dangers lurk beneath the surface, invisible yet present?
We look up, not down, not back.
We focus on God and His ways, His character, His word.
That’s the path we take.
And if we trip – we get up, brush off that snow and start again.
Lord God, You call me to be holy as You are holy. Through Your word, reveal to me the places in my heart and mind that need to be purified and washed. I want my life to bring You honor and glory.
NEW START 15 Today’s passage was 1 Peter 1:1-13.
Today is day 1 of week 2 of the New Start ’15 4 week Bible Study. It’s not too late to join in. Here’s the link to the schedule for the next two weeks.
Click here for the New Start 15 Reading Plan
Click here for the New Start 15 Facebook page so you can interact with others.
Click here for the New Start 15 Resource List.
With faith, hope, and love,
PS on Wednesday you can find me over at writing for day 3 of week 2 (Romans 6:1-14).
Lori Wildenberg
author, speaker, parent consultant
Find Lori’s co-authored books over at Amazon and Barnes and Noble
I love this picture of God's nature, and that He uses creation to help us to know what He is like in ways we can see and even touch. Thank you for sharing this important visual as part of New Start 15!
Fresh snow, new tracks, a great way to start a new year! Thanks Lori!!
I loved your post this week! I am one of the co-hosts for Family Fun Friday over at and each Friday I share six encouraging posts. This Friday my theme is 2015 Goals and I picked this post as one of my features. If you want to link up, feel free! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks Julie. New snow always reminds me of a fresh start.
Thanks Becky!
Thanks Christen. What an honor!