I have asked my friend and colleague (and fellow mentor mom) from Moms Together and The MOM Initiative to guest blog today. We were able to meet face to face in Jacksonville when we both spoke at the Better Together Conference. I loved her right off the bat- and you will too! Today she is giving away her co-authored book to one of the readers who leave a comment on this blog. Let me tell you, this book – Mothering From Scratch by Means & Helgemo- is great. In fact I had the honor of being one of the endorsers. So read and then write a comment below!
with faith, hope, and love,
Four Ways to Superpower Your Mothering
By Melinda Means
We’re supposed to be able to do it all.
Sure, we look normal, but at a moment’s notice, we’re expected to hit the nearest phone both, don our Supermom cape and solve the world’s problems (or at least our family’s).
We should be able to do Algebra homework, take three kids to sports practices and make a Pinterest-worthy dinner — all at the same time and without breaking a sweat.
Well, this mom knows the truth. And the truth isn’t pretty.
On most days, in my own power, I’m one teenage tantrum away from having one myself.
I’m one slow-driver-ahead-of-me-while-I’m-trying-to-get-the-kids-to-school away from turning into a hot mess.
Nope. No cape here. (Although I do own a rockin’ pair of boots.)
You’d think I’d gain more strength and confidence as my kids get older.
But it only makes me realize how many mistakes I’ve made. How completely powerless I am on my own.
My children don’t do or believe everything I’d like. I’m less able to influence opinions and outcomes.
The enemy would love to keep me mired in these feelings of inadequacy and helplessness.
And then I remember these words: My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Cor. 12:9
I do have Superpower, after all. His name is the Holy Spirit.
I don’t have to give in to my feelings of anger and impatience. I don’t have to succumb to paralyzing feelings of inadequacy. I do have the strength to act in my child’s best interest — even when he or she is fighting it every. single. step. of. the. way.
In Ephesians, we’re told that we have the same power available to us as that it took to raise Christ from the dead. No matter how challenging we think our children are at times, they don’t require more power than that.
It takes a little more effort than slipping into the nearest phone booth to tap into the Holy Spirit’s power. Mostly, it’s training our minds and hearts to be in tune with Him.
Here’s a few ways I’ve found to bring the Holy Spirit’s energy and wisdom into my mothering:
1.) Start the day in the Word. Believe me, I realize that it’s not always possible to have quality time with God. Sometimes in the midst of all the chaos, the only prayer that gets uttered is “Help!” But I know it’s important to center our minds on God before all the worries and burdens of the day start crashing in.
I was listening to a podcast last weekend that suggested keeping your Bible on your nightstand and reading one verse and saying a quick prayer before getting out of bed. However, we do it, we need to try to find time to start our day inviting His presence.
2.) Develop the habit of asking Him for help, even with the little things. It creates intimacy. It builds our faith as we see Him answer our prayers for help and guidance throughout the day.
The more in tune we are with the Spirit, the more we sense His promptings — those “feelings” that alert us to danger or prompt us to act. So many times, I’ve sensed something was off with one of my kids. And when I follow through on that feeling, I’m almost always right. I don’t have that kind of “Spidey-sense” on my own. That’s all Him.
3.) Make a practice of asking for forgiveness. I know I find it hard to face God or feel His power when I have issues or wrongs that I haven’t confessed to Him.
4.) Stand firm. Watch out. When we start asking for the Holy Spirit’s power in our lives and in our mothering, be prepared for attack. Satan knows the positive impact it will have on our children and others — and He’s going to fight it. Hard. And He doesn’t play fair either.
Mothering is too challenging to go it alone.
We find support among our friends — both in real life and online. And that’s fabulous.
But it’s no substitute for heavenly Superpower.
We just have to use it.
Melinda Means is mother to a strapping teenage son and a beautiful and entertaining teenage daughter. She has written for Focus on the Family,, In Touch and Lifeway’s Journey.
She is the co-author of the new book Mothering From Scratch: Finding the Best Parenting Style for You and Your Family (Bethany House, 2015), available on Amazon, as well as bookstores nationwide. She blogs at Mothering from Scratch.
I'm speechless. Thank u. I needed to read this today : )
Jenn- I'm so glad Melinda's words spoke to you!