I’ll let my daughter date when she’s 30,” a dad joked.  Sort of joked.  Daughters moving into those teen years and beginning the dating scene freaks out a lot of dads.
We need to educate our girls and make them aware of  personality traits that are sure to be red flags in a relationship.
Here are 12 dating warning signs to share with your daughter. (Plus one more.)
Watch out for the guy who: 
1. flatters. Flattery is a manipulation to get a person to behave a particular way. It is different from a compliment. A compliment is meant to make someone else feel good. Flattery’s  goal is to make the flatterer feel good.
2. is rude. Rudeness to a person in a service position, an elderly person, handicapped individual, or a parent is a bad sign. Those who treat others in a disrespectful way will eventually do the same to a significant other. Choose a person who is kind instead. 
3. spends lots of money and expects something in return. The individual who believes, “I spent $$$ on you, now you owe me ____” keep at arms length!
4. is all lust, no love. Lust focuses on self. Love focuses on another.
5. believes people are lucky to be around or with him. Holds the idea that he is, “God’s gift to women.” 
6.  a liar and a cheater. The bad boy syndrome. But…character counts and no one can change a person like this except for himself.  If he hasn’t yet, he will end up lying to and cheating on you.
7.  is easily offended. You will spend all your time apologizing and explaining. It’s not worth it.
8. is always right. His way or the highway. The ultimatum guy. Blames everyone else for his issues. Just think for a minute what this type of person would be like to live with day in and day out.
9. has no close friends and very few friends of the same-sex. Why is this? There may be a reason. 
10. takes longer than you to get ready. Look out for a guy who is image conscious, all wrapped up in himself, and needs constant validation on his looks, smarts, and on anything in which he participates. The pressure and the emotional drain will be great! 
11. whose words don’t match his actions. This man is a big fat phony. 
12. makes you cry more than laugh. Why would anyone want to be in this situation? It would be miserable. Life is too short. 
And one bonus thought:
If your friends and family don’t like him, take heed. These are the people who love you, know you, and care about you.  
Girls, if you see the qualities in a guy you may be interested in or who shows an interest in you….run! 
Parents, let’s train our girls to be discerning and to look beyond the charm. And let’s train our sons not to be this dude.
A lying tongue hates those it hurts,
    and a flattering mouth works ruin.
Proverbs 26:28
Lori Wildenberg mom of 4, wife to Tom, licensed parent and family educator, co-author of three parenting books including Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love. Click here to head over to Amazon. Lori is available for speaking engagements. Click here to contact her. If you want to know more about her ministry head over to 1Corinthians13Parenting.com

© LoriWildenberg. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Lori Wildenberg is a licensed parent and family educator, parent coach, and co-founder of 1Corinthians13 Parenting.com. She has written 6 books including Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home; The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections; and her most recent book, Messy Hope: Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety, Depression, or Suicidal Ideation. Contact Lori for your next event or for parent consulting or parent training courses. Lori can also be found mentoring over at the MOMS Together Group on Facebook.

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