The Wildenberg Family had an additional dad to celebrate this past Father’s Day! Our son Jake just became a dad. It is so  awesome to watch him care for his little guy and to see the mutual love and support between he and his wife, Jaime.

Jake has such a good role model in his dad. Jake will do some things the same and others differently, just like Tom and I did with the example from our families of origin.  He and Jaime will figure out this parent thing together. and find what fits their family best. (They are doing an amazing job already!)

One of the coolest things is seeing your husband in his role as a father. Nothing grows BIG love faster than that!

Anyway…in honor of Father’s Day I got brave and decided to interview a dad of four regarding his thoughts, reflections, and advice regarding fatherhood.

This dad is my husband of thirty-five yep- thirty-five years!

Lori: What do you like the most about being a dad?

Tom: Oh boy.  I guess there are two answers or two parts to this question. What’s the most fun? I’d say doing outdoor activities with the whole family. And what’s the most satisfying? Working with you (me!) as a team and watching the kids grow up.

Lori: What has surprised you about being a dad? (I had no idea what he would say.)

Tom: How your love for your kids grows and how you never stop thinking about your kids as your kids…even when your kids become adults.

Lori: What are some of your Dad High Points?

Tom: The firsts: the first steps, loosing the first tooth, riding a bike, the first win in a sporting event, the first time skiing. It’s equally as rewarding watching the kids master certain things and sharing in their excitement.

Lori: Is there anything you would do differently?

Tom: Oh…tons of things! But making mistakes is part of the process. Then we ask for and model forgiveness and teach the kids to do the same.

Lori: What advice would you have for a young dad?

Tom: I guess when I first became a dad, I didn’t realize how powerful prayer is. I’d also say be the spiritual leader of the family and daily model the worshiping of our Lord, not just on Sunday.

Lori: How can wives best support their husbands? (Pretty daring question, don’t you think?)

Tom: The respect thing is huge for guys. Interject humor, love, and laughter into life. That’s really positive.

Lori: Anything else you’d like to add?

Tom: I’ve learned family relationships require a lot of give and  take. Giving is way more important than receiving.

I hope you all had a wonderful Father’s Day. Take a leap and ask your guy the same questions. Some of his answers may surprise you.

As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.
Psalm 103: 13

© LoriWildenberg. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Lori Wildenberg is a licensed parent and family educator, parent coach, and co-founder of 1Corinthians13 She has written 6 books including Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home; The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections; and her most recent book, Messy Hope: Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety, Depression, or Suicidal Ideation. Contact Lori for your next event or for parent consulting or parent training courses. Lori can also be found mentoring over at the MOMS Together Group on Facebook.

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