Has life turned out as you would have dreamed or expected?

Ahhh! The answer is a resounding, “No” for most of us. We are are living in the unexpected, the messy life. But we parent as if we are not.

That’s why I wrote The Messy Life of Parenting. This book equips us to walk through the mess of the unexpected and helps us strengthen those treasured family ties in the process.

Most parents want a relationship with their kiddo that lasts a lifetime . Yet… we unknowingly parent in a way that can hinder or even sabotage that desire.

Parenting experts like Mandy Arioto,  MOPS President and CEO  and Rob Rienow from Visionary Family Ministries have endorsed The Messy Life of Parenting. 

And… even more powerful endorsement come from parents. They connect with me to say how much the book has impacted and blessed them and their families. Here’s a portion of one dad’s review on Amazon:

“After 30 plus years of youth and family ministry, I have to say I have read my share of parenting books. Actually, I’ve bought, started, and then quit reading a lot of parenting books. So many of them are filled with trite clichés that just don’t feel real. Then I picked up The Messy Life of Parenting by Lori Wildenberg. I had seen Lori speak at a parenting conference a few years ago and liked her message. This book is filled with great stories and examples of real parents – the successes and failures, the triumphs and tribulations, the good and the bad. And it gives solid and practical ideas and strategies for moms and dads at any stage of their parenting. This isn’t one of those books that makes you feel guilty because you didn’t parent the way experts tell you to parent. It is a book of encouragement and hope. It inspires you to be the best parent you can be – by being the parent God created you to be.  I highly recommend this book to parents who love their kids.”

Here’s what one mom had to say on an Amazon review:

“I can’t put this book down and it’s one of those treasured books that will stay on my shelf for me to pick up again and again. My relationship with my kids is growing deeper because of this book. I desire for my children to become leaders, feel empowered, and feel emotionally safe at home. Lori does a great job showing us how this is possible! I don’t like conflict and Lori shares ways to discuss issues without creating division. This book is answering my parenting questions, like, how do I strengthen family ties, how does God see family, and what can I do to be in better relationship with my kids that will last a life time? Life at my house can get pretty messy, messy in the way we communicate and messy in the way we relate. I get overwhelmed with parenting and it’s hard to always hold it all together and respond the right way. This book is helping me to not react out of emotion, but instead Lori gives strategies to help us out in the mess. As a Parent Coach, I will be recommending this book to parents and it will make a great gift for all my Mom friends.”

Moms and dads, this book isn’t filled with a complicated formula to follow. Instead it shows you how to make some small adjustments in your current parenting approach that will help strengthen your relationships. After all… isn’t that what we want? A relationship with our kids that lasts a lifetime?

Head over to New Hope Publishers  or to Amazon to get your copy.

NOTE: If you want more than one book go to New Hope and plug in #Messy20 for a discount on two or more books.


© LoriWildenberg. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Lori Wildenberg is a licensed parent and family educator, parent coach, and co-founder of 1Corinthians13 Parenting.com. She has written 6 books including Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home; The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections; and her most recent book, Messy Hope: Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety, Depression, or Suicidal Ideation. Contact Lori for your next event or for parent consulting or parent training courses. Lori can also be found mentoring over at the MOMS Together Group on Facebook.

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