
I am really excited to introduce my friend, Morgan Tyree to you. I met Morgan about a year ago. We were part of a group called the Open Door Sisterhood. The group, around 12 of us, spent a weekend together at Priest Lake in Idaho. All the women who attended were involved in some sort of ministry across the U.S. and Canada.  I was excited to  discover Morgan’s also a Coloradoan and she has a passion for organizing (something most of us need a little help with) . She has a gentle spirit  and a quick wit. And… I can tell you, she lives what she speaks. I stayed at her home when I was presenting at a conference. I noticed her organization and time management created a feeling of peace and comfort. Wouldn’t we all like a little of that in our crazy lives? And… BONUS…  read all the way to end of the post to discover the way to be eligible to  win this great book from Morgan so you too can increase peace and comfort in your home!
Blessings to all,

Morgan’s new book has just released, Take Back Your Time: Identify Your Priorities, Decrease Stress, and Increase Productivity.Time is a commodity that is precious; a gift we don’t get back. A gift we need to utilize when we have it. Morgan isprofessional organizer and blogger . In her book she offers a practical guide to conquer stress and increase productivity using her three-color time zone system.

I had the opportunity to talk with her about her new book. You won’t want to miss the tips she offers in this conversation.

Lori: Before you can start managing your time, you discuss the need to embrace your current season. Can you share what you mean by this?

Morgan: When you start from a place of understanding your current season of life, you will be better equipped to make the best choices with how you spend your time. Different seasons can and will allow for different opportunities. Recognizing what you are able take on and not take on, will help you to be more intentional with your commitments.

Lori: Removing the word “busy” from our vocabulary is one of your recommendations. Explain the significance behind that.

Morgan: I don’t believe God calls us to live overloaded and overwhelmed lives. He created us for specific purposes and wants us to live full lives, but not busy lives. Busyness implies tired and maxed out. Whereas, fullness looks more like the sweet spot between too little and too much. Just as you desire a full cup of coffee, versus an overflowing cup of coffee, this too, is how we should seek to live out our lives.

Lori: Minimizing interruptions is a key to productivity, you write, and you give several practical tips on how to do this, whether at work or home. Can you give some examples of your approach to interruptions?


  •  Communication is key. Express to those whom you live and/or work with, those specific times when you need to use boundaries and/or limit interruptions.
  • Turn off digital reminders when and where you can, this will help to minimize further distractions. Can you shut down your email? Silence your ringer? Or turn off notifications?
  • Set up your productive time of work in a productive way. Determine the specific time(s) you will designate to working on specific task(s) and then commit to staying on task!

Lori:  How did you come up with the three-color method? Can you share about the three time zones?

Morgan: I came up with this method based on my experiences of working with my clients and helping them with their personal time management and organization. And, also from my own experiences of living through five significant life seasons and learning how to, and how not to, manage my time well.

Each one of us can most likely identify and assign our various daily duties and tasks to one of three categories, or in my method, one of three zones. The three time zone colors represent the purpose or priority for specific times of either work, rest, or play.

  •  Green Time Zone is your “focus time.” The time you schedule and focus on your most detailed work and take care of those tasks that require a higher level of concentration.
  • Yellow Time Zone, is your “flex time.” This zone is when you elect to check off those smaller or less focused tasks. Those to-dos that you can start and stop with relative ease or that don’t require the same level of attention.
  • Red Time Zone, is your “fill time.” The times when you are recharging, resetting, or rebooting. Activities that you view as either recreational or restorative. Your fill time fills you up so you can be productive!

 The intent with the three time zones, is to have a harmonious balance between the three within your days and weeks. By protecting and scheduling them you will be able to realize more intentionality with your time, calendar, and commitments. The philosophy is more of mindset than a formula. It’s having an emphasis of intentionality and choosing to deliberately steer your time.

Lori:  Why is it important to understand that “your time is a responsibly, a privilege, and a gift?”

Morgan:  Our days are numbered and I believe that we have a responsibility to steward our time well. I like to think of it this way, time management’s nickname is choices. While our time is fixed, our choices are flexible. And what you do within your seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years will determine your ability to accomplish your goals, realize your dreams, and live out your purpose. Therefore, make a choice to choose well!

 Friends...Which time zone do you feel is a strength for you and why? Your focus time, flex time, or fill time?

****Answer this question in the BLOG comment section and be eligible to win Take Back Your Time by Morgan Tyree. 

 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Fort Collins Family Photographer

 Morgan is a professional organizer (chaos calmer), writer (list lover), and exercise enthusiast (fitness fan), keep up with her on her site, Morganize with Me. Her mission is to share tried and true techniques that she hopes will encourage her readers and clients as they focus on their health and homes. Check out her new Book, Take Back Your Time, join one of her Organizing Challenges, listen to her Podcast, and be sure to check out her Shop full of fabulous organizing printables!




 Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

© LoriWildenberg. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Lori Wildenberg is a licensed parent and family educator, parent coach, and co-founder of 1Corinthians13 She has written 6 books including Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home; The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections; and her most recent book, Messy Hope: Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety, Depression, or Suicidal Ideation. Contact Lori for your next event or for parent consulting or parent training courses. Lori can also be found mentoring over at the MOMS Together Group on Facebook.

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