It seems when God nudges me to do something, initially I am resistant. My brain fills up with reasons why I shouldn’t participate in His call.
Do you do the same thing?
Is it fear? Uncertainty? Insecurity?
I know Moses (Exodus 3-4) felt the same way. Fearful, uncertain, insecure. But eventually he said, “Yes.”
While teaching a series of 12 Christian parenting classes at my church, way back in 1998-1999, class members would say to me, “You should put this material in a book.”
Being a mom of four young kiddos, I responded with a clear and confident directive, “Take notes.”
I never expected to write a book until one of my small group leaders mentioned she always wanted to write a book and felt this material needed to go into a book. “Would you like to write a book together?”
Someone, I guess it was me, said, “Yes.”
That yes was the beginning of the 1st of three co-authored books with Becky Danielson. (see below for the links to the books.)
I never expected to have a prodigal. I certainly never imagined writing a book on prodigals and… even including my my prodigal, Courtney, in the project (The Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal A Way Home). But God gently changed my heart.
And someone, I guess it was me, said, “Yes.”
After pushing aside my fear and the desire for privacy and personal protection, God showed me how our story, along with many other prodigal stories, has blessed families in deep pain due to a wandering teens, adult child, or family member. To Him be the glory.
I never expected to do a podcast. A few years ago, I was approached by a radio producer to host a radio show. I said, “No.” That wasn’t my vision, and definitely not my jam. Being a guest was great but a host… no that was too scary, too much responsibility, too much work.
Then God’s soft nudge to do a podcast began when one of my mentor moms from the Moms Together Facebook page and group said, “I think we should do a Moms Together Podcast.”
Someone, I think it was me, said, “Yes.”
Now I’m the owner of a microphone, headphones, pop filter, and a boom arm. (And, just sayin’, I know what those items are and how they work!)
Each yes has been a great blessing. Thankfully, God brings others to join us on this journey. It is an honor to be a small part of encouraging and equipping families.
So… coming soon is a podcast designed for busy moms and grandmoms.
Here’s a short blurb about the podcast:
The Moms Together Podcast is designed for just for you, a busy mom or grandmom. We’re Lori Wildenberg and Heather Riggleman. Along with our Moms Together Mentor team, we host Moms Together on Facebook and we’re closing in on 20,000 moms. Many of us question how to navigate motherhood because life is messy and the struggle is real. Join us as we discuss topics close to your heart. Let’s do this mom life together because we are better together!
My prayer is this podcast will be an encouragement and a useful resource for you and your family. So when you have a few minutes, tune in!
Click here to listen to our introductory episode.
What has God called you to do? What has been your answer?
Here are the links to the books if you are interested in additional family resources.
The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections
Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way home
Raising Little Kids with BIG Love
Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love
Empowered Parents: Putting Faith First.
Say yes to God. A yes to His call is without a doubt the best!