by Lori Wildenberg | Apr 30, 2018 | Discipline
“Don’t even think about climbing on the shelves.” Uh, oh. Before you could say, “Monkey-bars,” the three-year-old turned into George, the curious one, and made it to the top of the rack. He’d been doing a terrific job staying close to his mom while in the toy aisle of...
by Lori Wildenberg | Jul 31, 2017 | Character Development, Elementary-Aged, Preschooler, Teen, Toddler, Tween
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash “My son must be selfish. He won’t share his toys.” One mom whispered her confession to me following a young moms event at a local church. When our kids don’t share, many of us feel like that mom. We are...
by Lori Wildenberg | Sep 1, 2014 | Character Development, Communication, Discipline, Uncategorized
Walking through the toy section of a department store, I (Lori) noticed a mom with her around three-year-old son. He was dutifully walking right next to her as she was pushing the shopping cart. “Ahhh, he is doing so well,” I thought to myself. He was not whining or...