Where Parents Find Courage

Where Parents Find Courage

Dear Readers, Insecurities and fears often raise up in us as we raise our kids. We worry, overthink, and question. Fear may prevent important conversations. What we need is courage, supernatural courage. In the article below, titled Unfrozen by Grace, Tina Yeager...

Kick Worry Out of Your Home

Friends,We have an awesome guest blogger today. Cindi McMenamin has written  for Eternal Moments before as a guest a year ago and is a team member of 1st Corinthians 13 Parenting. Last year she gave us 5 Ways to Grow Closer to Your Spouse and this year she is...

2 Free Chapters!

Subscribe to Lori's  Eternal Moments blog and receive 2 free chapters from her most recent book, The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections. Thanks for the honor of joining you on your parenting journey.  ~Lori 

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