Our Thanksgiving Prayer

Our Thanksgiving Prayer

  Photo by fireskystudios.com on Unsplash Pops loved tradition. So in honor of my earthly father and in keeping with the tradition of my blog, here is a prayer-poem written by my dad. To my Heavenly Father be the glory! Oh bread of heaven feed my hungry soul...
A Special Easter Freebie for Your Family

A Special Easter Freebie for Your Family

Friends, This is an Easter  gift from the 1st Corinthians 13 Parenting Ministry, a resource site for parents and those who work with parents. If you need a team of  parenting experts who personally relate and professionally support moms and dads choose 1C13P to  lead...
If God Knows Everything, Why Pray?

If God Knows Everything, Why Pray?

Most people pray and most people have questions about it. Prayer is mysterious. It’s nothing sort of miraculous that we can communicate directly with our great God. But have you ever thought, “Why pray if  God is omniscient?” I have. Since He knows all, I wonder,“Why...

2 Free Chapters!

Subscribe to Lori's  Eternal Moments blog and receive 2 free chapters from her most recent book, The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections. Thanks for the honor of joining you on your parenting journey.  ~Lori 

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