Theme for October: Identity
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”
Mom’s Musing:
Today is Halloween. A day when lots of kids dress up to be someone they are not. Many children identify themselves by saying: “I’m smart, I’m dumb; I’m fat, I’m skinny; I’m tall, I’m short; I’m straight, I’m gay.” Yet we are not to be identified by intelligence,outward characteristics, or behavior. Our identity is rooted in being a child of God. Because we are God’s child we have great worth. Never forget he knew us before we were born and he knows us down to the very number of hairs on our head.
If your child or even teen is struggling with self worth issues remind him he is precious in God’s sight, created for a special purpose. Max Lucado has a terrific children’s book title, I’m Special. Read it to your child if he is possesses a low view of himself.
Parenting Tip:
Encourage your child to see value and worth in himself because God created him and loves him.