by Lori Wildenberg | Aug 7, 2017 | Character Development, Preschooler, Teen, Toddler, Tween, Young Adult
Photo by Braydon Anderson on Unsplash “That’s not ————- fair!” Rare is the parent who never heard this phrase uttered in the home. Most of us have heard that exact line pop out of our kids’ mouthes....
by Lori Wildenberg | Jul 31, 2017 | Character Development, Elementary-Aged, Preschooler, Teen, Toddler, Tween
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash “My son must be selfish. He won’t share his toys.” One mom whispered her confession to me following a young moms event at a local church. When our kids don’t share, many of us feel like that mom. We are...
by Lori Wildenberg | May 8, 2017 | Discipline, Prodigal Concerns, Relationships, Teen, Tween, Young Adult
3 Principles for Parents of Prodigals found in Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home by Lori Wildenberg Below are a few principles I have learned while walking that messy journey with a prodigal. These thoughts have helped me greatly. If you...
by Lori Wildenberg | Feb 27, 2017 | Teen, Tween
Have you been left feeling befuddled following an exchange with your teen? You stand there in confusion as your teen rants and marches off? You wonder, “What happened here? How did this escalate to anger?” You reflect,”I didn’t mean...
by Lori Wildenberg | Feb 6, 2017 | Character Development, Communication, Discipline, Teen, Tween
You have lived with your child for over a decade. Your family dynamics have a predictable rhythm. Then …. suddenly your child is not dancing to the old familiar tune. You keep trying the same moves but find you and your child are stepping on each...
by Lori Wildenberg | Jan 30, 2017 | Anger, Character Development, Communication, Discipline, Teen, Tween
Do you see evidence of this type of behavior in your home? Dismissive Dramatic Distant Disconnected Do you hear: “What are you looking at?” “Chill. I’ll do it in a minute.” “I’m so dumb.” “You don’t know...